・Create Calendar Wallpaper
・Customize visible calendar and color of calendar
・Support holidays by country
Calendar Wallpaper
・Create Calendar wallpaper in camera roll.
・iPhone settings >wallpaper>camera roll ,select the calendar wallpaper

・Customize visible calendar of month view and dally view
・Customize color of calendar
・Support holidays by country

Month View
・Select font size
・Time:display time ON/OFF
・Zoom Magnification:Select M or L
・Vertical Line:ON/OFF
・Long Tap:Add Event , or Show dally view
Background Color
・Select background color of Saturday and Sunday
Character Color
・Select character color of Saturday and Sunday
Ruled Line
・Select color of ruled line
・Continuous schedule is displayed in Arrow Mark.
・Starting point:Select starting point.
・Mark:Select arrow mark style
Day View
・Display Location:ON/OFF
・Display Memo:ON/OFF
(Location and memo is off together,event's title displayed by two lines)
・Select font size
・ToDo Mark:ON/OFF
・Map Link:ON/OFF
・Display today's date on icon badge. ON/OFF
・Backup Icons and Background color data.
・Link of google calendars sync
・Support : Link of support site
・Inquiry :Contact us