・Display list of schedule of selected date in dally view.
・You can use tick mark,so manage to-do.
・Select visible calendar in dally view and month view.
Add event
@Push + button.
AShow Event Input View.
Edit or Delete Event
@Push event on list ,in dally view.
AShow Event Edit View.
History of input title or location
@You can get history of input title or location.
ADelete history by swipe

ToDo - Task Mangement
@You done event , tick the event on list ,in dally view.
ADisplay tick mark on the event,in dally view.
BYou can display off check box by settings.
Map Link
@If the event has location information、display the map link button.
APush map link button ,show map of location.
Add Icon
@Push Icon button in dally view.
AShow Icon Select View.

Select Background Color
@Push Line Color button in dally view.
AShow Color Select View.

Move on previous or next day
@Flick horizontality,move on a day.