

Support for Vertical Calendar

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Vertical Calendar (sync with Google Calendar™)

Syncing Calendars
Vertical Calendar supports calendar syncing.
・How to sync with google calendar
・How to sync with multiple calendar of google calendar

How to use

・Month View(Zooming,Add event,Move to Previous Month or Next Month,Move to today)

・Dally View(Add Event,Edit,ToDo,Icon,Change Background color)

・Settings(Create calendar wallpaper,Select calendar visible,Set a color of calendar, Display today on budge)

・What is the Vertical Calendar

Contact us
・Contact us

ラベル:iPhone Calendar
posted by vertical at 18:24| Comment(0) | Vertical Calendar | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする

Operation in Month View

Support>Operation in Month View



・Zooming by pinching or double tapping
・Continuous schedule is displayed in Arrow Mark.
・Select color of background color.
・Select color of Ruled line.
・Select icon on each day.

@Zooming by pinching or double tapping

Add Event
@Push + button.
AShow Event Input View.

Move on previous month or next month
@Flick horizontality,move on 1 month.

Move on today
@Push button in the top center of the screen,move on today.

Show dally view
@Push D button,show dally view.
@Select date.
AAfter select,push long time.
BShow event view.
posted by vertical at 18:15| Comment(0) | Vertical Calendar | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする

Operation in dally view

Support>Operation in dally view


・Display list of schedule of selected date in dally view.
・You can use tick mark,so manage to-do.
・Select visible calendar in dally view and month view.

Add event
@Push + button.
AShow Event Input View.

Edit or Delete Event
@Push event on list ,in dally view.
AShow Event Edit View.

History of input title or location
@You can get history of input title or location.
ADelete history by swipe


ToDo - Task Mangement
@You done event , tick the event on list ,in dally view.
ADisplay tick mark on the event,in dally view.
BYou can display off check box by settings.

Map Link
@If the event has location information、display the map link button.
APush map link button ,show map of location.

Add Icon
@Push Icon button in dally view.
AShow Icon Select View.

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Select Background Color
@Push Line Color button in dally view.
AShow Color Select View.

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Move on previous or next day
@Flick horizontality,move on a day.
posted by vertical at 18:10| Comment(0) | Vertical Calendar | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする



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・Create Calendar Wallpaper
・Customize visible calendar and color of calendar
・Support holidays by country

Calendar Wallpaper
・Create Calendar wallpaper in camera roll.
・iPhone settings >wallpaper>camera roll ,select the calendar wallpaper

・Customize visible calendar of month view and dally view
・Customize color of calendar
・Support holidays by country
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Month View
・Select font size
・Time:display time ON/OFF
・Zoom Magnification:Select M or L
・Vertical Line:ON/OFF
・Long Tap:Add Event , or Show dally view

Background Color
・Select background color of Saturday and Sunday

Character Color
・Select character color of Saturday and Sunday

Ruled Line
・Select color of ruled line

・Continuous schedule is displayed in Arrow Mark.
・Starting point:Select starting point.
・Mark:Select arrow mark style

Day View
・Display Location:ON/OFF
・Display Memo:ON/OFF
(Location and memo is off together,event's title displayed by two lines)
・Select font size
・ToDo Mark:ON/OFF
・Map Link:ON/OFF

・Display today's date on icon badge. ON/OFF

・Backup Icons and Background color data.

・Link of google calendars sync
・Support : Link of support site
・Inquiry :Contact us
posted by vertical at 18:00| Comment(1) | Vertical Calendar | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする

What is Vertical Calendar

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Vertical Calendar (sync with Google Calendar™)」is a monthly display upright calendar specialized for complete visibility.

You can cheack appointments of 1 months at one time.
You can cheack appointments visually by various icons and background colors.

Vertical Calendar has a a lot of events, so calendar's text size is small.
But you can zoom a calendar by pinching or double tapping.
You can customize calendar's text font size.

It is also possible to create calendar wallpapers with your appointment,so you can check your appointments as soon as possible.

Of course, Synch with your Google calendar via the iPhone calendar.

●Main Features
【Vertical type 1 Month Calendar】
・You can check a consecutive schedule visulally.

【Zooming by pinching】
・You can zoom a calendar by pinching or double tapping.

【Calendar wallpaper】
・It is possible to create calendar wallpapers with your appointment,so you can check your appointments as soon as possible.

【ToDo-Task Management】
・You can use google calendar for To-Do List by Check List.

【Holidays by country】
・You can add calendar of holidays by country.
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【89 kinds of Icons】
・You can use 89 kinds of icons.
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【A lot of background colors】
・You can set background color by days.
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【History of input title or location】
・You can get history of input title or location.
●Support Site
How to use of vertical calendar

●3 Month Calendar
・Vertical Calendar is a little brother of 3 Month Calendar for iPad.
If you have iPad ,please check the site of 3 Month Calendar.
3 Month Calendar

●Contact us
Contact us
posted by vertical at 17:30| Comment(0) | Vertical Calendar | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする

Update Infromation

・Support URL scheme 【verticalcalendar:】

・Support Sync of icons and day back groud colors using iCloud
・Improved Max zoom view

・Support Unchecked Event List
・Support Time Zone

・Bug fix

・Support Search Function
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・Support Bold Font
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・Select Month View and Day View at the time of starting
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・Bug fix

・Jump to other month
Push button in the top center of the screen,jump to other month.
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・Hyper Link of URL,mail,phone in Event's memo
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・You can display number of unchecked events in badge
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・support iOS5

・copy/paste support

・You can input a time of event using ten keys.

・quickly input with two taps

・If you don't like new input methods, you can select old input methods.
posted by vertical at 07:07| Comment(0) | Vertical Calendar | このブログの読者になる | 更新情報をチェックする